Price List & Ordering Information

For more information about this title, please see the Information & FAQs link on this title's home page!

Fasttrack Civics

An interactive learning guide to the Virginia SOL Civics exam
Three ring binder format: 168 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches.
Second Edition

Master page binder:  $75.00

Three ring binder format with all 168 pages printed one sided on premium paper for easy photocopying.   To order one or more copies of this for your school, you need to have (or include on your order) an annually renewable school site license.  The site license grants permission for teachers at the school to photocopy the pages of this title for use by their students.

Annually renewable site license:

School-wide site license:  $250.00 / year

District-wide site license:  Please call or email for a quote for your district.

The site license gives teachers at your school permission to photocopy the binder pages for a one year period for their students.  This fee supports the matching Internet site, keeping its resources available online for your teachers, students, and parents 24/7. 


How to send an order:

Schools:  Please send a signed Purchase Order via email attachment or regular mail.  Add 10 % of the total binder order (minimum $12.00) for shipping within the continental U.S.  Do not include the price of a site license in calculating the shipping cost.

Fasttrack Teaching Materials
6215 Lavell Court
Springfield, VA  22152

Phone:  (703) 644 - 4612
